Kim H. Esbensen is an internationally recognised expert and consultant in sampling, chemometrics and PAT (Process Analytical Technology). Through a 30 year academic career he has conducted R&D across a wide range of application fields – process technology, minerals processing, metals refining, bioenergy production, biomass conversion, pharma, plastics, dairy, geo-science, mining, exploration, environmental monitoring, recycling industries, circulatory economy. Esbensen has been responsible for a university educational program straddling 30+ years in chemometrics, PAT, TOS, instrumental analysis, Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA), process technology and Philosophy of Science and has subsequently developed a widely recognised continuing education concept today offered via KHE Consulting. His CV lists ~250 publications, ~400 lectures/presentations.
He is a recipient of the Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal (2013) awarded for “excellence in teaching and application of the Theory of Sampling”. In 2003 he inaugurated the biannual series of World Conferences on Sampling and Blending (WCSB), now in its 8.th edition. Read the history of WCSB here.
A bit more about Kim Esbensen
Esbensen has founded and led three academic research groups and has supervised ~60 M.Sc. and 15 Ph.D. theses, and has served as opponent at 25 Ph.D. defenses. He organised and chaired two international chemometrics conferences (1990 and 1999), and served as editor of the Proceedings of the latter (SSC6). He chaired the taskforce responsible for the world’s first horizontal (matrix-independent) standard on representative sampling, DS 3077 (2013). From 2010 major new application fields include GMO, food, feed, tribology, geometallurgy. In 2013 he founded TOS forum, an open access communication platform for the sampling and process analytical communities, and is editor for a Sampling column in Spectroscopy Europe.
He has visited and lectured at many international research groups and university institutes and has given numerous dedicated courses to international companies, organisations, regulatory bodies and agencies. From 2015 he has re-established close collaboration with CAMO, a world-leading chemometrics company, in which context Esbensen is the author of a highly successful chemometric textbook (33.000 copies, 2001-2015), now in a completely re-written 6.th edition: Esbensen & Swarbrick (2017) “Multivariate Data Analysis – an Introduction”.
Esbensen is fond of the right breed of friends and dogs, swinging jazz, fine cuisine, contemporary art and classical music. He has been collecting science fiction novels for more decades than he is comfortable contemplating, still, as ever… it is all in the future.
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