+45 20 21 45 25 khe.consult@gmail.com


415. Arkenbout, A. & K.H. Esbensen (2017) Application of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) for quantification of unintentionally produced POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants). DIOXIN2017, Vancouver Aug. 20-25 2017

414. Arkenbout, A., Li, M., Olie, K., Bauman, K.J.A.M. & K.H. Esbensen (2017). Sheep wool as biomarker for dioxin pollution – a pilot study design. (ePOSTER) DIOXIN2017, Vancouver Aug. 20-25 2017

413. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) Introduction to representative sampling for the –omics sciences. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden. June 19, 2017.

412. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) Theory of Sampling – What’s next? 8th International Conference on Sampling and Blending, May 9-11 2017. Perth, Australia.

411. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) “Sampling Hall of Fame vs. Sampling Hall of Shame”. 8th International Conference on Sampling and Blending, May 9-11 2017. Perth, Australia.

410. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) Introduction to representative sampling – Theory of Sampling (TOS). DONG REnescience, Ballerup, Copenhagen. April 25.th 2017.

409. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) Sampling – Theory and Practice. Keynote lecture. LBMA Assaying and Refining Conference, March 20th 2017. ALCHEMIST Issue 85, pp. 3-6. London Bullion Market Association Publ.

408. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) Theory of Sampling (TOS) for Engineering and Process Technology. École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal, Canada. February 24, 2017.

407. Esbensen, K.H. (2017) Theory of Sampling (TOS) for Pharma (3-day course). Novo Nordisk Pharmaplan (NNP). Copenhagen. February 1-3 2016. 406. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Introduction to the Theory of Sampling (TOS). A/S Nikkelverk, Glencore Kristansand, Norway. Dec. 8th 2016.

405. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Introduktion til repræsentativ prøvetagning (TOS). Landbrugets Videnscenter SEGES, Brabrand. November 2nd 2016.

404. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Introduktion til repræsentativ prøvetagning (TOS). Chr. Hansen. Copenhagen Oct. 12th 2016.

403. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Introduction to the Theory of Sampling (TOS). Eyde Cluster Kristanssand, Norway. Aug. 25-26, 2016.

402. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) TOS – an introduction for environmental forensics. INEF 2016. International Network for Environmental Forensics Conference 2016. June 27-29, Örebro, Sweden.

401. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Introduction to the Theory and Practise of Sampling (TOS) for process industry. Eyde Industry Cluster, Kristiansand, Norway. August 25-26, 2016.

400. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Theory of Sampling – a universal missing link in analysis. Guest lecture at University of Sydney, Faculty of Science and Engineering. June 17.th 2016.

399. Møller, H, Esbensen, K.H. & R. Wurzbach (2016) Grease sampling and analysis for in-service Condition Monitoring (CM) of wind turbine blade bearings. LUBMAT World Conference, June 8-11, 2016. Bilbao.

398. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) Theory of Sampling – a missing link in Pharma? Outreach seminars, April 6 2016. Novo Nordisk Engineering/Prahmaplan, Copenhagen.

397. Esbensen, K.H. (2016) TOS – Introduction for food science professionals. March 30-31, 2016. European Food Safety Agency (EFSA). Parma. Italy.

396. Esbensen, K.H. (2015) “Tager du lige en prøve ..?”. Foredrag, IDA ”Gå-hjem møde”. Oct. 30, 2015.

395. Esbensen, K.H. (2015) The critical role of representative sampling before analysis, NIR or otherwise… Keynote Lecture. NIR 2015 World Conference, Oct. 19-23, 2015. Foz de Iguazu, Brazil. 

394. Esbensen, K.H. (2015) Proper TOS sampling, Variographic Analysis, Total Measurement System Uncertainty and fit-for-purpose Acceptance levels for Pharmaceutical Mixing Process Monitoring – A call for a paradigm shift. 7.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB7), June 10-12, 2015. Bordeaux.

393. Esbensen, K.H. (2015) Sampling meets DOE meets Chemometrics – Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Processes. Keynote lecture. CAMO User Group Meeting (UGM), April 16-17 2015. Prague.

392. Esbensen, K.H. (2015) 1-D TOS; Variographic Analysis, measurement Systems and Fit-for-Purpose Acceptance Limits. IFPAC Annual Meeting, Jan. 25-28 2015 Arlington, Washington D.C.

391. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Introduction to the Theory of Sampling in the industrial practice. DSM HQ, Delft, Holland. Nov 30, 2014

390. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) TOS: Theory of Sampling – i assessorens tjeneste. Bureau Veritas, Fredericia, Nov 27, 2014.

389. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Introduction and Application of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) in the industrial practice. SASOL, Sasolburg, South Africa, Nov 3-7, 2014.

388. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) The FINAL word on the chemometric evergreen “cross validation”. Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT), PFIZER Global Supply, Peapack, New Jersey, USA Oct 9.th 2014

387. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Process sampling (TOS) and variographics – a powerful corporate QC tool. Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT), PFIZER Global Supply, Peapack, New Jersey, USA Oct 9.th 2014

386. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Overview of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) for continuous manufacturing. Rutgers University, Dept. of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA October 7, 2014.

385. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Overview of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) for continuous manufacturing. New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, N.J. USA October 6, 2014.

384. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Introduction to the Theory and Practise of Representative Sampling (TOS). Ph.D. course (Aarhus University, research school), Foulum Research Station, Sept. 23-25, 2014

383. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) A holistic approach to validation integrating the Theory of Sampling. 17. International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA, Aug 2-8 2014.

382. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) It is not only about IDRS, it is just as much about what comes before … Representative sampling (Theory of Sampling). 17. International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA, Aug. 2-8 2014.

381. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Process sampling/variographics: Quality control of the complete on-line measurement system. 17. International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA, Aug. 2-8 2014.

380. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Theory of Sampling in a multivariate perspective – What can chemometrics contribute? Keynote lecture: SAMPLING 2014, Perth July 29-30, 2014.

379. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Theory of Sampling (TOS) – a powerful tool for total Measurement Uncertainty (MU) estimation. Q-Interline Annual UG Meeting, Holbæk, Denmark June 3, 2014.

378. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Corporate introduction to the Theory of Sampling (TOS). Fonterra HQ, Hamilton, New Zealand, March 20, 2014

377. Esbensen, K.H. (2014). Theory of Sampling (TOS) vs. Measurement Uncertainty (MU) – a call for integration. Guest Seminar: Institute of Fundamental Science, Statistics and Bioinformatics. Massey University, Hamilton, New Zealand, March 19, 2014.

376. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Process sampling in the geosciences: TOS variographics. Université de Quebec à Chicoutimi, Sciende de la Terre, March 4, 2014.

375. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) The critical role of representative sampling in medical geology studies and environmental services. 2. National & 1. International Geosciences Congress. Tehran-Rascht, Iran. Feb. 16-19 2014.

374. Esbensen, K.H. (2014) Sampling for analytical purposes – a field of many challenges: Theory of Sampling. Isfahan Universitiy of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry, Iran. Feb. 15 2014.

373. Esbensen, K.H., McDonald, I. & Johansson, L. (2014). Whole rock geochemistry and zircon geochronology of the central Finnefjeld tonalite gneiss from the Maniitsoq impact struture, Western Greenland. 31. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund, Sweden. Jan. 8-10, 2014.

372. Esbensen, K.H. & Minnitt, R. (2014). Chemometric verification of the geochemical evolution of the dual igneous-lava rock suites in the Ricthersfeld Hiab province, Namibia. 31. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund, Sweden. Jan. 8-10, 2014

371. Esbensen, K.H., Holding, M., Mcdonald, I. & Johansson, L. (2014). Evaluating the handheld XRF (hXRF) – Is there a wider application horizon? 31 Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund, Sweden. Jan. 8-10, 2014.

370. Esbensen, K.H. & Lars P. Julius (2014). “DS 3077 Horizontal” – new standard for representative sampling in science, technology and industry. 31. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund, Sweden. Jan. 8-10, 2014.

369. Tellesbø, H. & Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Practical use of variography to find root causes to high variances in industrial production processes – I. Exclay (LECA). 6.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB6), Lima, Peru. Nov. 19-22, 2013.

368. Tellesbø, H. & Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Practical use of variography to find root causes to high variances in industrial production processes – II. Premixed mortars. 6.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB6), Lima, Peru. Nov. 19-22, 2013.

367. Esbensen, K.H., Holding, M. & Johansson, L. (2013). Portable XRF vs. the geo-analytical laboratory – first assessment of sampling errors. 6.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB6), Lima, Peru. Nov. 19-22, 2013.

366. Wagner, C. & Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Final evaluation of 1/3-scale model sampler for horizontal pneumatic particulate material streams. 6.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB6), Lima, Peru. Nov. 19-22, 2013.

365. Esbensen, K.H. (2103). History and achievements of the World Conference on Sampling and Blending in the decade 2003-2013. 6.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB6), Lima, Peru. Nov. 19-22, 2013.

364. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Quantifying 1- and 2-dimensional heterogeneity for reliablebulk analysis, process monitoring and multivariate calibration. Sept. 9, 2013.Conferencia Chemometrica, September 9-12, 2013. Sophon, Hungary.

363. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). It is not only about NIR, it is just as much about what comesbefore: Representativity (TOS) to the fore! Keynote lecture, NIR 2013, June 2-7,2013, la Grande Motte, France

362. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Theory of Sampling – for valid Process Data Analysis.Invited guest lecture, CAMO user Group Meeting, April 18.th 2013. Berlin.

361. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Theory of Sampling (TOS). 3-day Ph.D. course (ResearchSchool, Aalborg University, Faculty of Science and Engineering). April 10-12,2013. GEUS. Copenhagen.

360. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). “Validering – Everything you ever wanted to know, but were afraid to ask your mother about”. Guest lecture, Telemark University College, HIT/TF, April 9, 2013. Porsgrunn.

359. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Theory of Sampling (TOS) – an Introduction. Nordisk Allerginätvärk, Möte 14. March 2013. Göteborg.

358. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Udtagning af jordprøver – en Russisk Roulette? Bidrag fra Theory of Sampling (TOS). 6. Marts, 2013. ATV Jord og Gurndvanmds Årmøde.Vingsted Centeret, Vingsted.

357. Esbensen, K.H. (2013). Introduction to Representative Sampling (TOS). 1-day shortcourse. February 18.th, 2013. University of Umeaa, Sweden

356. Appel, P. W. U., Hansen, B.G. & Esbensen, K. H. (2013): Medical Geology –Contributions from Scandinavia. 24.th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG24)Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, Jan. 10-14, 2013. Addis Abeba.

355. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). The variogram – the missing link in Process Analytical Technology (PAT). AFRODATA 2012, Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Research (STIAS), Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 19-23, 2012.

354. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Theory of Sampling – Representative Sampling in Practise.Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elisabeth, South Africa, Oct. 23-25, 2012. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13542010/NMMUposterTOScourse2012.doc

353. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Theory of Sampling – from field to aliquot. “Fieldomics”(Ph.D. course), Swedish Agricultural University, Alnarp, Sweden. October 16, 2012.

352. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Counteracting Heterogeneity in Sampling and Analysis –Theory of Sampling (TOS) vs. Measurement Uncertainty (MU). 8.th International Conference on Analysis of Geological and Environmental Materials (GEOANALYSIS 2012). September 16-20, 2012, Buzios, Brazil

351. Esbensen, K.H. (2012) The critical role of representative sampling.Keynote Address, SAMPLING 2012, Aug. 21-22. Perth. The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)

350. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Theory of Sampling – an overview. Workshop on Chemo-metrics and Experimental Design, INSTANT (Innovative Sensors for Fast Analysisof Nannoparticles) 7.th EU Framework Programme. Univ. Thübingen, May 31, 2012

349. Esbensen, K.H. (2012) Representative Sampling – HOW TO? 2-day course. MayMay 22-23, 2012. Kasteel Valsbroek. MTSE (Micro Traces Services Europe).

348. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Replication – ending Decades of Confusion. 2.nd SouthAfrican Chemometrics Society (SACS) Meeting, Irene, Pretoria, May 9-11, 2012.

347. Esbensen, K.H. (2012) Data Quality; Representative Sampling; Proper Validation: A holy Trinity in Chemometrics. 2-day course 2.nd South African Chemometrics Society (SACS) Meeting, Irene, Pretoria, May 7-8, 2012.

346. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Replication – ending decades of Confusion. Keynote lecture,15.th ANISG Conference, April 17-18, 2012 Queenstown, New Zealand.

345. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Theory of Sampling – for NIR. 2-day introductory course.15.th ANISG Conference, April 15-16, 2012 Queenstown, New Zealand.

344. Esbensen, K.H. & P. Appel (2012). Medicinsk Geologi i Danmark – Perspektiver. ansk geologisk Årsmøde, 24.03.2012, GEUS, Kbh.

343. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Theory of Sampling-Introduction and applications. CRA-WCenter for Agricultural Valuation, Wallonie, Belgien. March 13-15, 2012.

342. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Replication – ending decades of confusion. 8.th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics: WSC-8, Park Drakino (Moscow). 27/2-2/3, 2012. 341. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Principles of Representative sampling: Theory of Sampling. AAU research School: Ph.D. course. GEUS, Copenhagen. Feb. 15-16 & 23-24, 2012

340. Esbensen, K.H. (2012). Representative Sampling – a comprehensive introduction. [3d course] Reinwald-Westphal Techniches Hochschule (RWTH), Jan. 16-18, 2012

339. Esbensen, K.H. (2011). L’echantillonnage representatif du terrain á l’analyse(Representative sampling from field to analysis). Centre du savoir sur mesure(CESAM), Université Quebec á Chicutimi (UQAC), Canada, Nov. 29-30, 2011

338. Esbensen, K.H. & P. Minkkinen (2011). Illustration sampling standards – how to quarantee complete understanding and TOS-compliance? 5.th World Conference of Sampling and Blending (WCSB5) October 25-28, 2011, Santiago de Chile.

337. Esbensen, K.H. (2011). Introduction to representative sampling – from field tolaboratory [2-day course]. Reutlingen Universität, Germany. October 14-15 2011.

336. Esbensen, K.H. (2011). Theory and practise of representative sampling (TOS). [4-day course]. ELKJEM SOLAR, Kristansand, Norway. 21-22.09; 18-19.10, 2011

335. Esbensen, K.H. (2011). Introduction to process sampling in Process Analytical Sampling (PAT). Q-Interline seminar, Dublin, Ireland. Sept. 14, 2011

334. Esbensen, K.H. (2011). Introduction to representative sampling – from field to laboratory. Swedish Agricultural University (SLU), Alnarp, September 8, 2011

333. Esbensen, K.H. (2011) Introduction to Chemometrics [4-day Ph.D. course].Institute of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science andTechnology (NTNU), May 23-26, 2011

332. Esbensen, K.H. & A. Larsen (2011). Optimising NIR method development: Get the sampling and spectroscopy right. [1-day course]. 15. International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR2011), Cape Town, May 14, 2011

331. Esbensen, K.H. (2011). Hvordan prøvetage heterogent material – i praksis? Introduktion til Theory of Sampling. Food Diagnostics (seminar), Grenå, 04.05.11 Esbensen, K.H. (2011). Theory of Sampling (TOS) – Criteria and Methods forRepresentative Sampling. First Seminar on MICROTRACER Analytical Techniques Nettetal, Germany, March 22, 2011

330. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Representative sampling: Unified principles at all scales (Theory of Sampling, TOS) Sciences de la Terre, Université Quebec, Chicutimi (UQAC), Nov. 19, 2010

329. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Representative sampling in the geo-analytical laboratory. Contributing lecture: Colorado School of Mines (outreach programme). Golden, Colorado, USA. Nov. 04, 2010

328. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Reliable assessment of Total Errors in sampling of largekernel lots (GMO and trace constituents): Variographic analysis (Theory of Sampling. 10.th Danish Symposium in Analytical Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. August 17-18, 2010.

327. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Representative Process Sampling (Theory of Sampling,TOS) – the missing link in PAT. Invited Guest lecture, American Chemical Society, Delaware Section / Society of Applied Spectroscopy, June 21 2010. Delaware.

326. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) HORIZONTAL – A matrix-independent Generic SamplingStandard. Keynote Address, SAMPLING 2010, May 11-12, 2010. Perth. The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).

325. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Representative Process Sampling (Theory of Sampling,TOS) – the missing link in PAT. Keynote lecture, Advances in Process Analytics and Control Theory (APACT10), April 28-29, 2010. Manchester

324. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Cross-validation — a chemometric dinosaur going extinct. 7.th Winter School on Chemometrics (WSC7), February 15-19, 2010. St. Petersburg

323. Esbensen, K.H. (2010) Theory of Sampling – a comprehensive introduction: basic principles and typical applications in the GMO laboratory. Micro-samplingseminar, February 4-5, 2010. EU Joint Research Center (JRC), Ispra, Italy.

322. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Theory of Sampling (TOS) – a comprehensive approach to representative sampling. Telemark University College. December 7-9, 2009.

321. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Introduction to representative sampling in science, Technology and Industry: Theory of Sampling – an indispensable tool. Rand Refineries Ltd. (RRL). Johannesburg. Nov. 30, 2009

320. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Introduction to representative sampling: Theory of Sampling (TOS). Sciences de la Terre, Université Quebec, Chicutimi (UQAC), Nov. 16, 2009

319. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Representative sampling in the geo-analytical laboratory. Contributing lecture: Colorado School of Mines. Nov. 12, 2009

318. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Sampling Theory (TOS) – an introduction. Biological and Agricultural Engineering Depart. University of California, Davis. Nov. 10, 2009

317. Esbensen, K.H. Paoletti, C. Minkkinen, P. & Pitard, F. (2009) Developing meaningful international standards – where do we stand today? The world’s first horizontal(matrix-independent) sampling standard – first foray. 4.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4), Cape Town, Oct. 21-23, 2009

316. Minkkinen, P.O. & Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Simulating sampling of aggregate materials with significant spatila heyterogeneity- mapping the influence of sampling uncertainty factors: analyte concentration, lot heterogeneity, sampling mode and sample size. 4.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4), Cape Town, Oct. 21-23, 2009

315. Esbensen, K.H. Minkkinen, P.O. & Paoletti C. (2009) Reliable assessment of total errors in sampling large kernel lots: a new variographic approach (Theory of Sampling). Keynote lecture: 4.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4), Cape Town, Oct. 21-23, 2009

314. Tellesbø, H & Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Exclay process and product quality control – Variographic analysis of kiln bulk density. 4.th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4), Cape Town, Oct. 21-23, 2009 313. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Cross-validation – a chemometric dinosaur becoming extinct?Invited lecture. Conferentia Chemometrica 2009. Siófok, Balaton, HungarySeptember 27-30 2009

312. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Representative sampling – a Unified Approach from Field toLaboratory: Theory of Sampling (TOS). Geoanalysis 2009 (Internal Association of Geoanalysts), Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg, South Afrika. 7-11 September, 2009.

311. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Principles of representative process sampling – II: TOS, a missing link in PAT. PFAFF (FL Schmidt), Wuppertal. August 25-26, 2009.

310. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Representative Process Sampling: Theory of Sampling (TOS) – A missing link in Process Analytical Technologies (PAT). 11.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC11). Loen, Norway. 8-11 June, 2009.

309. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Representative Sampling – general principles: Theory of Sampling(TOS). Danish Air Quality Society, Annual Meeting, Copenhagen May 18.th, 2009.

308. Esbensen, K.H. Representative Sampling – a necessary tool for analysis (laboratory,plant, field): General principles of process sampling. NOVIA University of AppliedSciences, Vasa. April 28-29. 2009

307. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Principles of representative process sampling – I: GeneralPrinciples. PFAFF (FL Schmidt), Wuppertal. April 14-15, 2009.

306. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Chemometrics and Representative sampling: Necessary pillars for analytical chemistry, PAT and Molecular Biology. Institute of Wine-Biotechnology, Stellenbosh University, South Africa, February 16-20, 2009.

305. Esbensen, K.H. (2009) Process Data Quality & Representative Process Sampling – Theory of Sampling (TOS) in Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Nordic Process Control Workshop (NPCW09). Telemark University College, Porsgrunn. Jan. 29-30, 2009.

304. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Process sampling: Theory of Sampling (TOS) – a missing link inProcess Analytical Technologies (PAT). Chemometrics Symposium: SACS 2008.South African Chemometrics Symposium, Institute of Wine Biotechnology,Stellenbosh University, December 1-5, 2008.

303. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Theory of Sampling – a comprehensive introduction. School ofMining Engineering. Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa &GASA (Geostatistical Association of South Africa). Aug. 4-8, 2008.

302. Esbensen, H.H. (2008) Macro-, Meso- and micro-scale application of principles of bed-Blending – Representative sampling and mass-reduction in science, technology and the geochemical laboratory. GASA (Geostatistical Association of South Africa), Aug. 7.th, 2008.

301. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) AMT (Angle Measure Technique) – resolution of 10 years’ of method confusion. Computers in Chemistry (CAC2008), Montpellier,June 30 – July 4.th, 2008.

300. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Reliable and representative sampling of GMO – Introducing the Theory of Sampling. Invited keynote speaker: First Global Conference on GMO detection and analysis. Cernobbio, Laggio di Come, July 24-27, 2008.

299. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Process Analytical Technology in Industrial Biotechnology – Bioenergy – Biorefinery. European Biorefinery Symposium, Flensburg 9-11 April, 2008.

298. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) AMT (Angle Measure Technique) – a new global texture transform. 3.rd interdisciplinary seminar on Applied Mathematics. Aalborg University,17 April, 2008.

297. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Representative sampling – an overview of the Theory of Sampling.Q-Interline expert course. Roskilde, Denmark. March 22, 2008.

296. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Introduksjon til kjemometrisk test set validering. Telemark University College (HIT), Porsgrunn. March 6, 2008.

295. Esbensen, K.H. & M. Swanepoel. (2008) PLS-discrimination reveals systematic sampling deficiences re. representative sampling at the winery weighbridge. Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Chemometrics Society, Voss, March 3-5, 2008.

294. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Chemometric Data Analysis – a holistic process with many elements. Invited lecture: 6.th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics (WSC-6), Bi-annual Meeting Russian Chemometrics Society, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan. February 18-22, 2008.

293. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Introduction to representative sampling of bulk materials and process streams. February 13, 2008. Cape Initiative in Materials and Manufactoring (CIMM), Cape Town, South Africa.

292. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Quo vadis kemometri? – Eksplorative visioner/filosofi. Plenary lecture. Dansk kemometri konference, 10-11 januar, 2008. Nyborg Strand.

291. Esbensen, K.H. (2008) Representative sampling in the geo-sciences – how well are we coping? Plenary lecture. 28.th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Jan. 7-10, 2008, Aalborg University, Aalborg.

290. Esbensen, K.H. & H.D. Zimmermann. (2007) Representative sampling and mass reduction in geochemistry and in the mineral industry – a laboratory test: Rønne and Hellets granites, Bornholm. 28.th Nordic Geological Winter Meting, Jan. 7-10, 2008, Aalborg University, Aalborg.

289. Swanepoel, M. & K.H. Esbensen (2007) Representative sampling at the weighbridge – a critical issue for the wine industry: Reliable characterization of intake grape juice. 3.rd World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB3), Porto Alegre, October 20-24, 2007.

288. Nørmark, E, H. Lykke-Andersen H. & K. H. Esbensen (2007). Influence of surface conditions on reflection seismic data – A joint study of reflection seismic data in Denmark. “Near Surface 2007” – 13. European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, September 3-5, 2007

287. Esbensen, K.H. & M. Swanepoel (2007) PLS-discrimination reveals systematic sampling deficiences re. representative sampling at the winery weighbridge. PLS´07: 5.th International PLS Symposium: Causalities explored by indirect observation. MATFORSK, Ås, Norway, September 5-7, 2007

286. Esbensen, K.H. (2007) Representative sampling for NIR multivariate calibration and PAT monitoring. Plenary lecture NIR2007: 13.th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Umeå-Vasa, June 15-21, 2007

285. Esbensen, K.H. (2007) The AMT consortium: resolving two generations of Angle Measure Technique confusion. 10.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC10), Lappeenranta, Finland, June 11-15, 2007.

284. Esbensen, K.H. & Kucheryavski, S. (2007). Optimal corrections for digitalization and quantification effects in Angle Measure Technique (AMT) texture analysis.10.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC10), Lappeenranta, Finland, June 11-15, 2007.

283. Esbensen, K.H. (2007). “Representative sampling of heterogeneous materials: Theory of Sampling (TOS) – the missing link in chemical analysis, quality control and food diagnostics”. Analysis de Micotoxinas. R-Biopharm, Rhône seminar, Madrid June 6.th, 2007

282. Esbensen, K.H. (2006)“Theory of Sampling (TOS)”: Den komplette praksis baggrund for sampling af alle typer heterogene materialer – Redegørelse for en konsekvent horisontal, matrice-invariant tilgang til repræsentativ prøvetagning. DANSK STANDARD, Forum for Prøvetagning, 5. December, 2006 (Charlottenlund).

381. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Multivariate Image Analysis & Angle Measure Technique (AMT) South African Spectroscopic Society, Nov. 24, 2006. University of South Africa (UNISA), Muckleneuk Campus, Pretoria. South Africa.

280. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Representative sampling: vinyard, winemaking & wine quality control. 3.rd International Enology & Viticulture Conference. Nov. 14, 2006, Somerset West. South African Society for Enology and Vitivulture.

279. Osborne C. & Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Identification of wine produced by genetically modified organisms (GMO): A new approach using mid-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. 3.rd International Enology & Viticulture Conference. Nov. 14, 2006, Somerset West. South African Society for Enology and Vitivulture.

278. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) “Theory of Sampling (TOS) – the missing link in chemical analysis and quality control”. Invited lecture: FOOD DIAGNOSTICS seminar, Nov. 9, 2006. Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt, Oslo.

277. Esbensen, K.H. 82006) “Sampling food – without tasting it”. An introduction to the Theory of Sampling (TOS) for food science. Invited guest lecture at Graduate School, KLV (Royal Veterenary University of Denmark), Copenhagen September 21, 2006.

276. Esbensen, K.H. (20069 Chemometrics & Representative Sampling – Advanved issues. Invited lectures/Ph.course: Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Institut für Umweltbiotechnologie, Tulln, Austria, August 28-30, 2006.

275. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Representative sampling in analytical chemistry, industry and science – Theory of Sampling (TOS). Invited lecture: “Representative Sampling” Symposium. South African Spectroscopic Society (SASS); Tswane University of Technology, Pretoria, July 27, 2006.

274. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Representative sampling: the missing link in the evolution of analytical chemistry and chemometrics. Guest lecture: First Annual Meeting of South African Chemometrics Society (SACS1), Institute of Wine-Biotechnology, Stellenbosh University, Stellenbosch, July 21, 2006.

273. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Multivariate data Analysis: PLS-regression. 2-day course/workshop South African Spectroscopic Society (SASS), University of South Africa (UNISA) & Tswane University of Technology (TUT); Pretoria, July 28 & 30, 2006.

272. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Theory of Sampling (TOS). The missing link in chemical analysis, process monitoring and quality control (PAT). Invited lecture: 2nd European User Meeting on Multivariate Analysis (“Camo@Como”), Como, Italy, June 21-23, 2006.

271. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Introduksjon til representativ prøvetaking. Høgskolen i Telemark (HIT), Avdelingen for Teknologiske Fag (ATF), Porsgrunn. 6. juni, 2006.

270. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Introduksjon til Angle Measure Technique (AMT). Høgskolen i Telemark(HIT), Avdelingen for Teknologiske Fag (ATF), Porsgrunn. 6. juni, 2006.

269. Esbensen, Kim H. (2006) Hvordan prøvetage heterogent materiale – i praksis? Lille introduktion til en stor teori, Theory of Sampling (TOS). Food Diagnostics.Seminar, Grenå, May 23, 2006

268. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Theory of Sampling (TOS) – the missing link in chemical analysis, process monitoring and quality control (PAT). Invited plenary lecture, AnalyticaConference, ANALYTIKA 2006, München, April 26 2006.

267. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Introduktion til TOS, Theory of Sampling. 2-dages Ph.D. kursus, Forskerskolen AAU, Esbjerg (AAUE) March 29-30, 2006.

266. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Introduksjon til representativ prøvetaking & kjemometrisk test set validering. Telemark University College (HIT), Porsgrunn. March 23-24, 2006.

265. Esbensen, Kim H. (2006) ACABS (Applied Chemometrics, Analytical Chemistry, AppliedBiotechnology, Bioenergy & Sampling research group) 2001-2006 – scope and main results. 18 Norske Kjemometrisymposium, Hafjell, 20-22 March 2006.

264. Esbensen, Kim H. (2006) Chemometrics – a powerful tool for multivariate data analysis: General principles and typical applications. Institute of Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Sibirian Branch, Irkutsk. Feb. 27, 2006.

263. Esbensen, Kim H. (2006) Representative sampling of geological, geochemical, ecologicalmaterials and CRM’s: Theory of Sampling (TOS). Institute of Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Sibirian Branch, Irkutsk. Feb. 26, 2006.

262. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Introduction to representative sampling: TOS. Institute of Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Feb. 9, 2006.

261. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Advanced Chemometrics (3-day course). Institute of Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Feb. 6-8, 2006.

260. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Introduction to Chemometrics (3-day course). Institute of Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Feb. 1-3, 2006.

259. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Chemometrics & Representative Sampling – introductions. Invitedlectures/Ph.course: Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Institut für Umweltbiotech-nologie, Tulln, Austria, Jan. 13-15, 2006.

258. Esbensen, K.H. (2006) Angle Measure Technique (AMT) & Acoustic Chemometrics (a.c.) Introductions. Invited lectures/Ph.D. course: Lappeenranta University ofTechnology, Lappeenranta, Finland. Jan. 9, 2006.

257. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Theory of Sampling (TOS) – the missing link in product characterisation, process monitoring and quality control. Invited lecture: European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre (JRC); Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP), Ispra, Italy. Dec. 5, 2005

256. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Introduction to TOS – Theory of Sampling. Institute of WineBiotechnology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Nov. 17, 2005.

255. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Introduction to Chemometrics (3-day course). Institute of Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Nov. 7-9, 2005.

254. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Prøvetagning – ikke bare ligetil. Dansk Veterinær og Hyologisk Selskab Årsmøde 2005. Scanticon, Kolding, Nov. 3, 2005.

253. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) TOS (theory of Sampling) – the missing link in PAT. Merck and Co, Inc. Phramaceutical Analysis and Control. West Point, PA. USA. Oct. 31, 2005.

252. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Acoustic chemometrics – a new PAT modality. Merck and Co, Inc. Pharmaceutical Analysis and Control. West Point, PA, USA. Oct. 31, 2005.

251. Esbensen, K.H. & Peter Paasch-Mortensen. (2005) Proper Reference Sampling – the critical PAT success factor. ISPE Nordic PAT Workshop: PAT & Manufactoring Science. Copenhagen, Oct. 28, 2005.

250. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Reference sampling for Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) –Theory of Sampling (TOS). Invited lecture: 32 FACSS/51 ICASS (Federation of Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopic Societies – International Conference on Analytical Sciences & Spectroscopy Society for Applied Spectroscopy National Meeting). Quebec city, Canada, October 9-13, 2005.

249. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Reference Sampling for Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) – Theory of Sampling (TOS). Guest lecture: Working group for spectroscopy, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences and Technology. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) & MATFORSK, Ås. Sept. 30, 2005.

248. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) AMT: Angle Measure Technique – konsept, metodikk og applikasjoner fra naturvidenskap, bildeanalyse og teknologi (2 dagers kurs). 29-30 Sept. Dept. of Mathematical Sciences and Technology. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Ås.

247. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Multivariate tolerance: At what stage of sampling error do samples loose their statistical detectable multivariate interdependence? (invited lecture). Sampling workshop. De Beers Mining Resource Management Research Group (MRM), Wells, UK, Sept. 13-16, 2005.

246. Esbensen, K.H. (2005) Theory of Sampling & representative mass reduction: necessary tools for reliable trace concentration determinations. NKS Seminar:”Sampling i krisesituationer”. RISØ 26 aug. 2005. 245. Esbensen, KH, Halstensen, M. & de Bakker, P (2005): Acoustic chemometric PAT monitoring of a granulation production process. 9th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC9), Reykjavik, Aug. 21-25, 2005.

244. Esbensen, K.H. & Halstensen, M. (2005) Introduksjon til akustisk kjemometri. Telemark University College (HIT), Porsgrunn. June 2-3, 2005.

243. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). Sampling in practise: a TOS toolbox of unit operations. Baltic Biorefinery Symposium (BBS), May 26-28. AAUE, Esbjerg.

242. Mortensen, P.P. & Esbensen K.H. (2005). Optimisation of an image analytical system for bulk materials using the Theory of Sampling. 2nd World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB2), May 12-15, 2005. Brisbane.

241. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). A multivariate perspective on Gy’s Theory of sampling – first foray. 2nd World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB2), Brisbane,Australia.May 12-15, 2005.

240. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). Proper reference sampling – the last challenge for reliable NIR analysis. Short course (1-day). AgResearch, Ruakura, Hamilton. April 25, 2005,New Zealand.

239. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). Proper reference sampling – the last challenge for reliableNIR analysis. Short course NIR2005, April 9-15, 2005. Auckland, New Zealand.

238. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). Validering av multivariate modeller. Guest lecture, Telemark University College, HIT/TF, Norge. March 18, 2005.

237. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). IBION Sampling-kurs: TOS. MATFORSK, Ås, Norge. March 17, 2005.

236. Esbensen, K.H. (2005). Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis – relationships to TOS. De Beers, Mining Resource Management Group, Wells, United Kingdom. Feb. 26-28, 2005.

235. Esbensen, K.H. & Petersen, L. (2005). Introduksjon til Prosess-sampling. 2-daycourse: TEKNA (Norwegian Engineering Association), Oslo. Feb. 09-10, 2005.

234. Esbensen, K.H. & Petersen, L. (2005). Introduktion til proces-samplingF.L. Smidth Automation, Valby. Jan. 6, 2005.

233. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Is geochemical analysis reliable? GOLDSCMIDT 2004, Copenhagen, June 6-9 2004.

232. Esbensen. K.H. (2004): Vandbestemmelse og TOS (Theory of Sampling). ACABS – Moisture workshop, 14.05.04. AUE.

231. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Introduktion til TOS, Theory of Sampling. 2-dages kursus, landbrugsrådet (LU), Axelborg, Kbh. May 11-12, 2004.

230. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Representativity, Sampling Analysis, Metrology & Chemometrics – the GRAND overview. Indlæg ved: ”Prøvetagning, metrologi, kemometri – den STORE sammenhæng”. Dansk Kemometrisk Selskab May 04, 2004. IDA Copenhagen.

229. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Empiriske, multivariate dataanalysemodeller i kemi:Kemometri. Inviteret indlæg 16. RUC-modeldag. Matematisk Institut, RUC (IMFUFA). April 29, 2004.

228. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Theory and Practise of sampling in Geology, Geochemistry and in Environmental Sciences. 2- day course at Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (GEOKHI), Russsian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Moscow. April 26-27, 2004.

227. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): TOS (Theory of sampling) har også en ”Down-to-Earth” praktisk side! Anvendelser af TOS med relevans for XRF o.a. Invited lecture at semi-annual meeting of DWAX (Danish Working group for Analytical XRF).Geological Institute, University of Århus. April 23, 2004.

226. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): All you ever wanted to know about validation – and then some Guest lecture at HIT, Porsgrunn, Norway. March 25, 2004.

225. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Reliable sampling, reliable chemical analysis and Reliable chemometric data analysis. Invited opening lecture at 3.rd Winter School of Chemometrics (WSC-3), Pushkinskiye Gory, Russia. February 14-20, 2004.

224. Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Taking chemometrics into practise Synoptic summary of interrelationships between representative sampling, dataanalytical modeling/calibration and validation When can we trust analytical chemical results? Introduction to AMT (Angle Measure Technique) Introduction to MIA (Multivariate Image Analysis) Guest lectures, Ph.D. School: ”Multivariate Methods in Analytical Chemistry” Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Finland. Jan. 12-16, 2004.

223. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Prøvetagning – nå også i Norge. 2-dages seminar NFS (Norske Sivilingeniørers Forening), Aker Brygge, Oslo. November 6-7, 2004.

222. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Introduction to sampling. 1-day seminar/course. FOSS ELECTRIC hq. Hillerød. September 29, 2004.

221. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Multivariat data analyse – klinisk biokemi o.a. 4-dages kursus. Centralsygehuset Esbjerg-Varde, CEV. September 22-23, Nov. 25 & Dec. 03, 2003.

220. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Proper reference sampling– the critical success factor. Invited short-course at 5.th European Symposium on NIR spectroscopy, Comwell, Kolding, DK. Sept. 15-17, 2004.

219. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Multivariabel dataanalyse. 4-dages kursus, GEUS: Danmarks og Grønlands geologiske Undersøgelser, København. September 9-10 & October 20-21, 2004.

218. Sidelman, J., Gram, J, Jespersen, J. & Esbensen, K.H. (2004): On the in-vivo ex-vivo threshold – significant IPE in blood sampling. First World Conference on Sampling and Blending, WCSB1. Aalborg University Esbjerg (AUE). Esbjerg, August 19-22, 2004.

217. Heydorn, K. & Esbensen, K.H. (2004): Sampling in Metrology – first foray. First World Conference on Sampling and Blending, WCSB1. Aalborg University Esbjerg (AUE). Esbjerg, August 19-22, 2004.

216. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Nature’s own sampling: TOS – with a little help from multivariate data analysis. First World Conference on Sampling and Blending, WCSB1. Aalborg University Esbjerg (AUE). Esbjerg, August 19-22, 2004.

215. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Prøvetagning (sampling). 3-dages kursus, GEUS: Danmarks og Grønlands geologiske Undersøgelser, København. August 13-14 & September 11, 2004.

214. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): New approaches for reliable industrial sampling and chemometric data analysis quality. SSC8: 8th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, June 14-18 2003.

213. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Analytiske prøvers repræsentativitet og pålidelighed Optimal felt sampling, f.eks. vedr. forureningsundersøgelser Prøvetagning – den største fejl i resultatet. Inviterede foredrag. 1-day Workshop, DANAK/ EUROLAB, København. May 21, 2003.

212. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Anvendt teknisk-kjemometri – belyst ved utvalgte applikasjoner. Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU), Institutt for Kjemisk Prosessteknologi, Trondheim. May 16, 2003.

211. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Sampling of heterogenous systems. Ph.D. course, “Forskerskolen” Ålborg Universitet, Nat. Fak (også eksternt industri kursus). (4 ECTS). March 27-28 & April 24-25, 2003.

210. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Introducing chemometrics and sampling in the process technology arena – industrial biotechnological applications. Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poznan, Poland. April 11. 2003.

209. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Possibilities for using correct sampling and chemometrics in power plant systems fired by complex mixes of energy sources of biomasses, fossil fules and/or MSW. Large and Medium Scale Solid Biofuel, Co-generation and Waste Incineration. IB2-seminar, SDU. 02.04.03.

208. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Alt hva du altid ønsket å vite om validering. Guest lecture at Telemark University College, Porsgrunn 24.03.03.

207. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Multivariate data Analysis in practice – industrial applications Relationships between sampling, chemical analysis, chemometrics Angle Measure Technique (AMT) – a power full transformation Proper validation: a most important issue in multivariate calibration Invited lectures at WSC-2 (2.nd Russian Winter School in Chemometrics), Barnaul/Belokuriga, Altai State, Sibiria. 28.02 – 04.03, 2003.

206. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): PLS – metode, applikationer & validering. Guest lecture, Department of Statistics and Demography, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Feb. 25, 2003, Odense.

205. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Introduction to chemometrics. Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland. Feb. 11, 2003.

204. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Acoustic Chemometrics: 1-day introduction. Tembec, Corporate HQ research division, Témiscaming, Ontario, Canada. Feb. 6, 2003.

203. Esbensen, K.H. (2003). Sampling: 3-day advanced course. Tembec, Corporate HQ research division, Témiscaming, Ontario, Canada. Feb. 3-5, 2003.

202. Esbensen K.H. (2003): Introduksjon til kjemometri (2-day course), NVE (Norsk Vassdrags og Energidirektorat), Oslo Jan. 23-24, 2003.

201. Esbensen, K.H. (2003): Sampling aspects of bioprocess scale-up. IB2 Seminar/Workshop: Scale-up of Bioprocess. Jan. 17, 2003, Esbjerg.

200. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Introduction to sampling of complex systems – introduction to the Theory of Sampling (TOS). Geological Institute, University of Århus. 9 Dec.

199. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Sampling: 2-dages introduktionskursus. Novozymes AS, Kalundborg. 4-5 Dec. 2002.

198. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Sampling-forhold mellem sampling, analytisk kemi og kemometri. Inviteret dobbeltforelæsning: 4. brugerseminar Dansk NIR Forum: ”Sampling eller gambling?”. Vingstedcentret. 3- Dec. 2002.

197. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): AMT: an image ”global texture” characterisation tool. Invited lecture: On-line Imaging for Process Monitoring and Control. McMaster Advanved Control Consortium workshop, Oct. 17, 2002. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

196. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) methods. Invited lecture: On-line Imaging for Process Monitoring and Control. McMaster Advanved Control Consortium workshop, Oct. 16, 2002. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

195. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Acoustic chemometrics – Introduction and application examples. 2-day course: Acoustic Chemometrics, Biotechnological Institute & Ålborg University Esbjerg (ACACSRG), Biotechnological Institute, Kolding 2-3.10.02.

194. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Teknisk-Industriel Kemometri. 3-dages kursus. AUE & Bioteknologisk Institut, Kolding. 27-29.08.02. 1) Introduktion til kemometrisk data analyse 2)PCA – Principal Component Analysis 3)PLS – Partial Least Squares regression 4)Validation.

193. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Relationships between sampling, analytical chemistry and chemometrics. Inviteret foredrag: DANSAK7 (7. Danske Symposium i Analytisk Kemi), Københavns Universitet, 20-21 august 2002.

192. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Korrekt sampling – er NIR det endelig svar? Indlæg på ”Temagruppe NIR”, Bioteknologisk Institut, Kolding. 23 Maj, 2002.

191. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Angle Measure Technique (AMT). Indlæg på ”Temagruppe NIR”, Bioteknologisk Institut, Kolding. 23 Maj, 2002.

190. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Validering – det vigtigste element ved multivariat kalibrering. Gæsteforelæsning HIT/TF, Porsgrunn. 18.04.02.

189. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Center for Industriel Bioteknologi (CIB) – Indlæg. Børsen Gazellemøde, Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg. 03.04.02.

188. Esbensen, K.H. (2002): Drushbametrics-1. First Russian winter school on Chemometrics: Modern methods of data analysis. Kostroma, Feb. 11-14 2002. Introduction to chemometricsMultivariate Statistical Process Control (MSPC).

187. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Videregående emner indenfor industriel kemometri: Korrekt sampling, AMT & validering. Inviteret foredrag, FOSS Hq, Hillerød, Denmark, Dec. 7, 2001.

186. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Advanced Chemometrics. 3-day Ph.D. course. S-SENCE Applied Physics, Dept. Physics and Measurement Technology. Linköpings Universitet, Linköping, Sweden. Nov. 21-23, 2001.

185. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Advanced Chemometrics. 3-day Ph.D. course. St. Petersburg University, Dept. of Chemistry. Russia. October 23-27, 2001.

184. Esbensen, K, Waskaas, M & Matveyev I.H. (2001): Optimisations in thehydropower industry by EMF-induced headloss friction reduction. Poster. SSC7 (7.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics), Copenhagen. Aug. 19-23, 2001.

183. Jørgensen, P, Pedersen, J, Jensen, E & Esbensen, K. (2001): On-line batch fermentation process monitoring – Prediction of ”biological time”. SSC7 (7.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics), Copenhagen. Aug. 19-23, 2001.

182. Ergon, R. & Esbensen, K. (2001): Static PLSR optimization based on Kalman filtering theory and noise covariance estimation. SSC7 (7 Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics), Copenhagen. Aug. 19-23, 2001.

181. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Development of on-line image analytical industrial process monitoring calibrated against structurally correct sampling of heterogeneous materials. SSC7 (7 Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics), Copenhagen. Aug. 19-23, 2001.

180. Esbensen, K.H (2001): Multivariare Image Analysis/Multivariate Image Regression. Invited lecture GRC: Gordon Research Conferences, Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Williamstown, MA, July 22-27, 2001.

179. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Procesanalytisk kemometri: Produkt- og procesovervågning: udnyttelse af hurtigmetoder i industriprocesser. Dansk NIR Forum. Scanticon Comwell, Kolding. 9-10 maj 2001

178. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Image analytical AMT (Angle Measuring Technique)in Food Science & Technology. Swedish Powder network meeting at Höganäs AB April 25, 2001.

177. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Acoustic chemometrics in Powder Science & Technology. Swedish Powder network meeting at Höganäs AB April 25, 2001.

176. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Validering – en fenomenologisk introduksjon. 13. Norske Kjemometrisymposium, Highland Hotel, Geilo 19-21 mars 2001.

175. Esbensen, K.H. (2001): Tak til kjemometri Norge for 18 år – En svanesang. 13. Norske Kjemometrisymposium, Highland Hotel, Geilo 19-21 mars 2001.

174. Esbensen, K.H. & Hagen, S.T. (2001): Introduksjon til forsøksdesign og data analyse. 2-day course: Norske Skog, Union, Skien, Jan. 25-26, 2001.

173. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Multivariat billedanalyse: MIA – nye resultater: MIR. Gæsteforelæsning Ålborg universitet, Esbjerg, dec. 04, 2000

172. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Grafisk dataanalyse – et felt med store faldgruber! Gæsteforelæsning Ålborg Universitet, Esbjerg, Nov. 30, 2000. 171. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Hvad er grunden til kemometriens store succes? Keynote: “Den Store kemometridag”, IDA, Copenhagen, Nov. 7, 2000.

170. Esbensen, K.H.: Pierre Gy’s “Theory of Sampling” – introduktion til verdens mest oversete polytekniske uddanelseselement. Gæsteforelæsning Ålborg Universitet, Esbjerg, Oct. 05, 2000.

169. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): To akustisk kemometriske industrielle applikationer: 1) Indvendig inspektion af olie/gas rørledninger; 2) Overvågning af pharmaceutiske blandingsprocesser. Gæsteforelæsning: Ålborg Universitet, Esbjerg, Oct 04, 2000.

168. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Multivariate billeder versus billeder af multivariate relationer. IDA: “Datavisualisering med multivariate briller”, Copenhagen., Sept. 11, 2000.

167. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Introduktion til datavisualisering – Hvad er god/dårlig grafisk kommunikation? IDA: “Datavisualisering med multivariate briller”, Copenhagen, Sept. 11, 2000.

166. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Acoustic chemometrics. “Other analytical techniques for on-line measurements”. Short course: 4.th European Symposium on (NIR) Spectroscopy, Biotechnol. Institute, Kolding, Denmark, May 10-12, 2000.

165. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Applications of AMT (Angle Measure Technique) in image analysis. Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Inst. of Biotechnology, Lyngby, June 13, 2000.

164. Esbensen, K.H.: “Kemometri a la carte – akustisk kemometri, AMT m.m.m.” Keynote: Foss Electric (Kemometricentret), Hillerød, May, 9, 2000.

163. Esbensen, K. H. (2000): Principles of proper validation (PPV). Center for Integreret Multivariat Analyse (CIMA), Levnedsmiddelcentret, KVL, Copenhagen, March 29.

162. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): PLS-DISCRIM som klassifikationsværktøj. IDA: “Identifikations-prøvning. Kemometriske metoder til kontrol af råvarer og produkter”. Copenhagen, March 21, 2000.

161. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Principles of proper validation (PPV) – in spectroscopy as well as ANYWHERE. 4th NIR NORD midwinter meeting: “NIR and Calibration in academic and industrial use”. University of Umeå, (Hällnäs), Sweden, Feb. 15-16, 2000.

160. Esbensen, K.H. (2000): Hvad lærebøerne ikke fortæller om forsøgs-planlægning. IDA, Cph. “Forsøgsplanlægning – the chemometric way”, Feb. 03, 2000.

159. Esbensen, K.H. (1999): Kjemometri og pulverteknologi. POSTEC (Powder Science and Technology), Tel-Tek, Årsmøte, Hotel VIC, Porsgrunn, Nov. 01, 1999.

158. Esbensen, K.H. (1999): Acoustic chemometric monitoring of particle/gass processes. Norsk Hydro Agri Research Centre Sluiskil: ”Fluid Bed Research Seminar”, Sluiskil, The Netherlands, Oct. 27-28, 1999.

157. Esbensen, K.H. & Lied, T.T: PLS as multiple-alternative pre-processing selector. Examples from industrial/technological image analysis. ”Les Methodes PLS – Symposium International PLS’99”, CISIA–CERESTA, Jouy-en-Josas (France), Oct. 5-6, 1999.

156. Esbensen, K.H. (1999): Introducing ”Camera-X”, a new multispectral, 1-D scanning camera for virtual imaging – with compositional, textural and process monitoring applications. SSC6 (6th Scandinavian Symspoium on Chemometrics), Porsgrunn, Aug. 15-19, 1999.

155. Esbensen, K.H., Torgrimsen, T. & Hansteen I.-L. (1999): Kjemometri som statistisk verktøy i arbeidsmedisin. Ny analyse av gamle data. Arbeidsmedisinsk Årsmøte, Høyers Hotel, Skien. May 10-11, 1999.

154. Esbensen, K.H. (1999): PLS – the great evaluator of advanced problem-specific pre-processing alternatives in multivariate calibration. 11. Norske Kjemometriker-symposium (10-års jubileum), Highland Hotel, Geilo, march 22-24, 1999.

153. Esbensen, K.H. (1999): Kjemometri ved HIT-TF 1995-2000, og videre… 11. Norske Kjemometrikersymposium (10-års jubileum), Highland Hotel, Geilo, March 22-24, 1999.

152. Esbensen, K.H. (1999): Advanced methods for problem-specific pre-processing in multivariate calibration. 12th UUC , Refnes Gods, Jeløya, Norway March 8-10, 1999.

151. Esbensen, K.H.: Akustisk procesanalyse – At-line målinger. Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab: ”Nye procesmålingsmetoder ved fremstilling af mejeriprodukter” Brædstrup, Feb. 23, 1999.

150. Esbensen, K.H: Fra støy til informasjon: Akustisk kjemometri for prosessovervåking og produktkarakterisering. ”Kursdagene 1999″, NTNU/NT, Trondheim, Jan. 7-8, 1999.

149. Esbensen, K.H.: Nyere metoder inden og uden for kemometrien. Hvad sker der i fremtiden? “Den Store Kemometridag” IDA, Kemometri. Ingeniørhuset, København. 26 november 1998.

148. Esbensen, K.H.: Kemometri inden for teknologi og ingeniørvidenskab. Keynote: “Den Store Kemometridag” IDA, Kemometri, Ingeniørhuset, København. 26 Nov. 1998.

147. Esbensen, K.H.: Akustisk prosessanalytisk kjemometri. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap, Faggruppe for Analytisk Kjemi: Prosessanalytisk seminar, Nycomed Imaging A/S, Oslo, Oct. 29, 1998.

146. Esbensen, K.H.: Acoustic chemometrics in proces monitoring. 25th annual Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) 1998, Austin, TX, Oct. 11-15. 1998

145. Esbensen, K.H., Lied, T.T., Halstensen, M. & Huang, J. (1998): Recent developments in acoustic chemometrics for process monitoring. 2nd International Chemometrics Research Meeting (2ICRM), Veldhoven, the Netherlands, May 22-24,1998.

144. Esbensen, K.H. (1998): On-line kjemometrisk prosessanalyse: akustisk – og bildeanalytisk kjemometri. Joint Biotechnological Institute(DK)/MATFORSK FoU-seminar, MATFORSK, Ås, April 29, 1998.

143. Esbensen, K.H. (1998): Dobbelt teknologisk spektroskopi: bildeanalyse av “underlapped imagery” 10. Norske Kjemometrikersymposium, NKS, Geilo, March 25-27, 1998.

142. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Akustisk karakterisering av prosesser og materialer. Guest lecture: “C-kurs – processkemometri”, Kemiska Institutionen, University of Umeå, Dec. 12, 1997.

141. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Prosesskjemometri – eksempler på anvendt kjemometri. Guest lecture: “C-kurs – processkemometri”, Kemiska Institutionen, University of Umeå, Dec. 12, 1997

140. Esbensen, K.H. & Hagen, S.T. (1997): Introduksjon til forsøksdesign og data analyse. 2-day course: Bang & Olufsen Research, Struer, Denmark, Oct. 22-23, 1997.

139. Esbensen, K.H. (1977): Acoustic chemometrics in process monitoring. Keynote lecture: 5.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC5), Lahti, Finland, Aug. 17-21, 1997.

138. Esbensen, K.H.: Introduction to Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA). IDA, Meeting on Image Analysis, Copenhagen, June, 10, 1997.

137. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Recent developments in acoustic chemometrics for process monitoring. Pharmacia & Upjohn, R&D Seminar, Uppsala, March 27, 1997.

136. Esbensen, K.H. & Narindar Singh (1997): Praktiske eksperimentelle designstrategier i forbindelse med multivariat kalibrering av et fem-komponent-system. Årsmøte. Faggruppe for Kjemometri, NKS, Voss, April 7-9, 1997.

135. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Validering – bort med al forvirringen. Årsmøte. Faggruppe for Kjemometri, NKS, Voss, April 7-9, 1997.

134. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Acoustic chemometric process monitoring – an introduction. Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE), Lappeenranta, Finland 7-8, March, 1997

133. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Multivariate Image Analysis – an introduction. Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE), Lappeenranta, Finland 7-8, March, 1997.

132. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): AMT – A method for charactersing the complexity of measurement series. Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE), Lappeenranta, Finland 7-8, March, 1997.

131. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Kjemometrisk Forskningsgruppe (KF) ved Høgskolen i Telemark, Avdeling for Teknologiske Fag (HIT/TF): Oversikt over aktuelle FoU-aktiviteter. Symposium i Anvendt Kemometri, DTU, København, Jan. 28-29,1997.

130. Esbensen, K.H. (1997): Multivariat dataanalyse. 2-day course (6 lectures): Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE), Kjeller, Jan. 20-21, 1997.

129. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): 20 år med kemometri – hvad sker der i fremtiden? “Den Store Kemometridag 1996”. Dansk Forening for Kemometri, Nov. 26, 1996.

128. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): Akustisk kemometri & AMT – nyere FoU resultater. “Den Store Kemometridag 1996”. Dansk Forening for Kemometri, Nov. 26, 1996.

127. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): Alt hvad man behøver at vide: RIGTIG VALIDERING! Guest lecture: Kemometrigruppen, KVL, Sept. 27, 1996.

126. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): Introduksjon til multivariat dataanalyse. 2-day course (4 lectures): SINTEF, Material Science, Trondheim, Aug, 20-21, 1996.

125. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): FoU-resultater for Kjemometrisk Forskningsgruppe, HIT/TF. Årsmøte. Faggruppe for Kjemometri, NKS, Geilo, April 17-19, 1996.

124. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): Prosessanalytisk kjemometri (PAC). Guest lecture: Kemiska Institutionen, Universitetet i Umeå, March 28-29, 1996.

123. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): AMT – en ny kraftfull preprosesseringsteknikk. Guest lecture: Kemiska Institutionen, Universitetet i Umeå, March 28-29, 1996.

122. Esbensen, K.H. (1996): Introduksjon til multivariat kalibrering, FEW. 2-day course (6 lectures): RESLAB/SAGA Petroleum, Stavanger March 18-19, 1996.

121. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): Industriell anvendt NIR-spektroskopi: Aluminiums-elektrolyse ved Karmøy Fabrikker. Umeå Universitet (Kemisk Institut) Dec. 13, 1995.

120. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): AMT – ny kraftfull metodikk for kompleksitetsanalyse innen kjemometrisk kalibrering. Umeå Universitet (Kemisk Institut) Dec. 13, 1995.

119. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): Avanserte teknikker og preprossesering av data i on-line måleteknikk v. bruk av bildeanalyse. On-line Seminar: MATFORSK, Ås, Dec. 6, 1995.

118. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): Problem(re-)formulation – the most important element in multivariate calibration? UUC Meeting, Refnes Gods, Moss, Nov. 29-30, 1995.

117. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): Multivariate data analytical methods for characte-rising variability (PCA, PLS, AMT). Nordic Symposium on variability in polluted soils and groundwater (“GUESS-I”), Ås, June 19, 1995.

116. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): The AMT revolution in chemometrics – I: Inaugural conceptualisation and first forays. SSC4 (4.th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemo-metrics), Lund, June 12-16, 1995.

115. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): 20 år med kjemometri – hva skjer i fremtiden? Årsmøte Kjemometrisk Faggruppe, Norsk Kjemisk Selskap, Gol, April 3-4, 1995.

114. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): Interpretation of active and passive observations using multivariate analysis. UUC95, Grobbendonk, Belgium, Feb. 9-10, 1995.

113. Esbensen, K.H. (1995): AMT – a new preprocessing approach within acoustic chemometrics and image analysis. ASTRA R&D, Göteborg, Sweden, Feb. 2, 1995.

112. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): AMT-revolusjon innen dataanalysen. Guest lecture: Institute of Chemistry, University of Umeå, Sweden, Nov. 2, 1994.

111. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): 20 år med kemometri – både inden og uden for kemi. Hvad sker i fremtiden? “Den Store Kemometridag 1994”. K-gruppen, IDA, Dansk Forening for kemometri, Copenhagen, Oct. 25, 1994.

110. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): Process chemometrics – theory and applications. UUC1994, Refnes Gods, Jeløy, Norway, Oct. 17-19, 1994.

109. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): Advanced multivariate data analysis. COMETT: Advanced Multivariate Data Analysis, Düsseldorf, BRD, Oct. 13-14, 1994.

108. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): Applications of Parallel Coordinates to a Norwegian pyrometallurgical electrolytic Mn-refinement process. “STUMLAD” (Tri-annual meeting of International Chemometricians), Reykjavik, Iceland, Aug. 15-19, 1994.

107. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) and Multivariate Image Regression (MIR). MATFORSK, Ås, Feb. 28, 1994.

106. Esbensen, K.H. (1994) & Inselberg, A. (1994): Visualizing multi-demensional geometry and applications to multivariate problems. Course: SIGGRAPH94 (21.st International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques). Orlando, Florida, July 24-29, 1994.

105. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): Kjemometri og forsøksdesign. Norsk Legemiddel-industriforenings industrikollokvium, NYCOMED, Oslo, June 23, 1994.

104. Esbensen, K.H. (1994): Parallelle koordinater – et nytt dataanalytisk konsept. Norsk kjemometrisk Faggruppe, Årsmøte, Geilo, March 23-25, 1994.

103. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Multivariabel dataanalyse og kjemometri – sentrale verktøy for miljø-, produkt- og prosessbeskrivelse. Guest lecture: Telemark Engi-neering University (TMIH), June 8, 1993.

102. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Akustisk kjemometri – applikasjoner med potential innen farmasøytisk industri. Invited lecture: ASTRA, R&D, Södertälje, Nov. 17, 1993.

101. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Akustisk Kjemometri. “Kjemometriseminar for industrien”, SINTEF, Trondheim, March 25, 1993.

100. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Parallel Coordinates – A new complementary data analysis methodology for process monitoring and control. Norsk Forening for Automatisering (NFA), Temamøte: “Kjemometri – nye muligheter innen måleteknikk og prosessregulering”, Soria Moria, Oslo, April 20-21, 1993.

99. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Les application industrielles de la teledetection. Guest lecture: Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, Dec. 10, 1993.

98. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Interpretation of active and passive observations in multivariate data analysis. Keynote: 6.th UUC, Langesund, Nov. 2-4, 1993.

97. Esbensen, K.H., Westad, F., Vigerust, B. & Hope, B. (1993): Forays into acoustic chmemometrics: First results of non-invasive on-line acoustic calibration. 3.rd Scaninavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC3), Jutland Technological Institute, Århus, June 13-17, 1993.

96. Esbensen, K.H., Edwards, G. & Eldridge, G. (1993): Multivariate image analysis in forestry involving high resolution airborne imagery. 8th. Scandinavian Conference in Image Analysis, May 25-28, Tromsø.

95. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Multivariat bildeanalyse – praktiske applikasjoner. Guest lecture: Norsk Hydro, Research Center, Bergen, May 25, 1993.

94. Esbensen, K.H., Kristiansen, J.I. & Scheie, Aa. (1993): Permeability prediction and optimisation of core plug sampling. 15.th European Formation Evaluation Symposium: “Integrated field studies and reservoir monitoring”. SPWLA, May 5-7, 1993. Stavanger, May 5-7, 1993.

93. Esbensen, K.H. (1993): Multivariate data analysis of drug misuse classifications. 11.th Cologne Workshop in Drug Analysis, Köln, BRD, March 7-12, 1993.

92. Esbensen, K.H. & Kvaal, K. (1993): NIR/VIS video multivariate image analysis and texture characterisation – new tools for industrial applications. 2nd. NIR European Symposium on NIR Spectrospcopy – aspects on industrial use. BI, Kolding, Aug. 21-22, 1993.

91. Esbensen, K.H. & Geladi, P. (1993): Soft three-way data analysis and image analysis. TRIC: First International Symposium on three-way data analysis. Espe, the Neherlands, Aug. 23-25, 1993.

90. Esbensen, K.H. & Norli, H.. (1992): Kan kjemometrien avsløre dopingmisbrukere? Temadag: “Kjemometri – nye muligheter innenfor analyse”. SI, Oslo, Oct. 29, 1992.

89. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): Spatial analysis and intercorrelation of disjoint sets of remote sensing imagery (VIS, IR, SAR) using MIA/MIR. Invited lecture: Canada Center of Remote Sensing (CCRS), Ottawa, Oct. 22, 1992.

88. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) and Multivariate Image Regression (MIR) – Data analysis for an integrated remote sensing environmental monitoring system for the Baltic – and Scandinavian regions. Guest lecture: St. Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University, St. Petersburg, June 5-7, 1992.

87. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): Outliers – and validation of multivariate calibration models. CAMO UUC, Kolbotn, Nov. 2-4, 1992.

86. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): MIA/MIR: Recent developments. Guest lecture: ERDAS, Inc. Atlanta, April 7, 1992.

85. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) and Multivariate Image Regression (MIR) – Introduction. Guest lecture: St. Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University, St. Petersburg, Jan. 23-24, 1992.

84. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): Anvendt multivariabel data analyse: Applikasjonseksempler fra kjemisk prosessindustri. Guest lecture: University of Umeå, Sweden, Feb.19, 1992.

83. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): Anvendelse av multivariat kalibrering. Workshop: “Praktisk bruk av multivariabel data analyse”, SI, Oslo, April 28-29, 1992.

82. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): “Regression des images multivariables”. Guest lecture: Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 13, 1992. 81. Esbensen, K.H. (1992): “Analyses et regression des images multivariables”. Guest lecture: Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 7, 1992.

80. Esbensen, K.H. (1991): Kjemisk billedanalyse. Temadag: “Kjemometri i Prosess-industrien”, SI, Oslo, Nov. 11, 1991.

79. Esbensen, K.H. (1991): Bildeanalyse med PLS-strategi for multivariat bilderegresjon. CAMO UUC, Kolbotn, Oct. 04, 1991.

78. Esbensen, K.H. (1991): Multivariate Image regression (MIR) – principal component regression for modeling and prediction. 2nd Scandinavian Symposium on Chemo-metrics (SSC2), Bergen, May 28-31, 1991.

77. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Multivariabel Data Analyse. 2-dagers spesial kurs. Fiskeriteknisk Forskningsinstitutt (FTFI), Tromsø, January 19-20, 1990.

76. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Strategi for kemometri innen geokjemi m.v. Guest lecture: Institute of Chemistry, University of Bergen, Feb. 2, 1990.

75. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Multivariat bilde analyse (MIA). Guest lecture: Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo, Feb. 22, 1990.

74. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Geokemiska applikationer av kemometri. Gjesteforelesning Unversity of Umeå, March 6, 1990.

73. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Kemometri i metallurgisk processkontroll. Gjesteforelesning Unversity of Umeå, March 7, 1990.

72. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): “GRAFIKK – presentasjon, data analyse, kommunikasjon”. 3-dagers spesialseminar (10 lectures). SAGA Petroleum, Oslo, March 14-16, 1990.

71. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Praktisk bruk av multivariate estimerings- og data analytiske metoder. NIF-kurs: “Avanserte målesystemer for industrien”, March 26-27, 1990.

70. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Måleteknikk for Aluminium elektrolyse. Statusrapport for NTNF-programmet: IT i prosessindustrien (IPI)”. NTNF, Oslo, May 23, 1990.

69. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): MIA – Multivariate Image Analysis. Presentation: “Computer General”, Oslo, Aug. 16, 1990.

68. Esbensen, K.H.: MIA – Multivariate Image Analysis. Lecture: “GIS and remote sensing for natural resource management. Norsk Regnesentral (NR), Sept. 24, 1990.

67. Esbensen, K.H. (1990): Introduksjon til multivariabel data analysefilosofi og programpakker – med geologiske applikasjoner. Seminar/kurs NGU, Dec. 28, 1990.

66. Esbensen, K.H. & Geladi, P. (1989): “Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) – Præsentation af koncept og software demonstration”. Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, ÅU, Århus, Jan. 23-25, 1989.

65. Esbensen, K.H. (1989): Multivariate problemstillinger krever multivariat data-analyse. Seminar: Fiskeriteknisk Forskningsinstitutt (FTFI), Tromsø, Feb. 14, 1989.

64. Esbensen, K.H. (1989): Kjemometri i billedanalyse. Konstituerende møte: “Kjemo-metrisk Faggrupppe. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap”, Øystese, Hardanger, May 23-24, 1989.

63. Esbensen, K.H. (1989): Strategy of Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA). Foredrag “NOBIM Års-konferanse 1989”, Skjetten, Oslo, May-29-30, 1989.

62. Esbensen, K.H. (1989): Prosessindustrielle satsningsområder ved Norsk Regnesentral. Foredrag: “Informasjonsteknologi for Prosessindustrien. Sandvika, Oslo, Sept. 18-20, 1989.

61. Esbensen, K.H. & Martens, H. (1989): Forsøk på innføring av prosesskjemometrisk IT i norsk prosessindustri i 1986-1988. Erfaringer fra NTNF-prosjektet: “Multivariat Kalibrering”. Foredrag: “Informasjonsteknologi for Prosessindustrien. Sandvika, Oslo, Sept. 18-20, 1989.

60. Esbensen, K.H. & Geladi, P.(1989): Multivariate Image Analysis, or “How to analyze an image you have never seen?” ERDAS UGM, Atlanta, Oct. 9-13, 1989.

59. Esbensen, K.H., Geladi, P., Martens, H. & Martens, M. (1988): Multivariate Interlaboratory Calibration. Symp. Anvendt Statistik, Kbh., Jan. 25-27, 1988.

58. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Spatial interpolation of multivariate data – bilinear modeling before kriging. Guest lecture: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Corvallis, Oregon, May 9, 1988.

57. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Chemometrics in Geochemistry. V.M. Goldschmidt Memorial Conference, Washington D.C., May 11-13, 1988 (includes. poster session)

56. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Muligheter/begrensinger i multivariabel kalibrering. Lecture at NIF/NFA course: “Effective Data Analysis – for better process control and quality assessment”, Oslo May 31-June 2, 1988.

55. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): PCA/PLS – geometrisk introduksjon. Lecture at NIF/NFA course: “Effective Data Analysis – for better process control and quality assessment”, Oslo May 31-June 2, 1988.

54. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Informasjoninnholdet i data. Lecture at NIF/NFA course: “Effective Data Analysis – for better process control and quality assessment”, Oslo May 31-June 2, 1988.

53. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Multivariabel data analyse. Lecture at NIF/NFA course: “Effective Data Analysis – for better process control and quality assessment”, ibid.

52. Esbensen, K.H. & Geladi, P. (1988): Multivariate image analysis in chemistry. EUCHEM Conference on chemometrics in organic and bio-organic chemistry. Trieste, June 19-26, 1988.

51. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Multivariate prediction (PLS-regression) in resource exploration. IAMG-COGEODATA Symposium: “Computer applications in resource exploration”. Espoo (Helsinki), July 21-23, 1988.

50. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Eksplorativ data analyse med UNSCRAMBLER (outliers, modelplott etc.) – viktigheten av problemorienteret tolkning. UUC (Unscrambler User Club), Seminar, Trondheim, Sept. 29-30, 1988.

49. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Strategy of Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA): 2-D and higher-order image decompositions. First Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC1), Lappeenranta, Finland, Oct. 6-8, 1988.

48. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Multivariat dataanalyse og – kalibrering. Guest lecture at TMIH: Telemark Engineering University (in Norwgian), Nov. 1988.

47. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Analyse av måledata for prosesskontrol og produktkontrol. Lectures at NIF/NFA course: Use of personal computers for measurement data capture and – analysis (Norwegian), NTH, Trondheim, Dec. 6-7, 1987.

46. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Metoder og krav til målingene. Lectures at NIF/NFA course: Use of personal computers for measurement data capture and – analysis (Norwegian), NTH, Trondheim, Dec. 6-7, 1987.

45. Esbensen, K.H. (1988): Hva er analyse av måledata? Lectures at NIF/NFA course: Use of personal computers for measurement data capture and – analysis (Norwegian), NTH, Trondheim, Dec. 6-7, 1987.

44. Esbensen, K.H., Wold, S. & Geladi, P. (1987): Relationships between higher-order data array configurations and problem formulations in data analysis. Symposium on Applied Statistics, University of Århus, Jan. 26-28, 1987.

43. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Romlig anomaliseparasjon i geokjemi. Oljedirektorates Informasjonsmøte, Stavanger, Feb. 9-10, 1987.

42. Esbensen, K.H. & Steenfelt, A. (1987): Geochemical prospecting in complex sample media – multivariate data analysis of indirect observations. 12.th International Geochemical Exploration Symposium – 4.th Symposium on Geochemical Prospecting. Orleans, April 22-26, 1987.

41. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Edle mineraler søkes. Norske Sivilingeniørers Forening, Kurs: “Bruk av PC for å bedre måledata og prosessinformasjon”, NIF, Studiesentret, Oslo, May 5-7, 1987.

40. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Outlier-problemer og klassifikasjon. Norske Sivilingeniørers Forening, Kurs: “Bruk av PC for å bedre måledata og prosessinformasjon”, NIF, Studiesentret, Oslo, May 5-7, 1987.

39. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Flervariabel data analyse. Norske Sivilingeniørers Forening, Kurs: “Bruk av PC for å bedre måledata og prosessinformasjon”, NIF, Studiesentret, Oslo, May 5-7, 1987.

38. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): PLS-regressionens videnskabsteoretiske og praktiske problemstillinger – et data analytisk synspunkt. Seminar: “Data Aproximation by PLS Methods”, Norwegian Computing Center (NR), May 19, 1987.

37. Esbensen, K.H., Martens, H., Geladi, P. & Martens, M. (1987): Multivariate interlaboratory calibration and rapid quality control. EURO FOOD CHEM. IV: Rapid analysis in food processing and food control. Loen, Norway, June 1-4, 1987.

36. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Analysis of multi-way tables. Seminar: ASTMULD (Analysis of Scientific and Technological MULtivariate Data), Hälnäs, Sweden, June 8-12, 1987

35. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Multivariate data modelling in geochemistry: Interface with geostatistics. Guest lecture: Dipartimento de Chimica, laboratorio de Chimica Organica, Universita di Perugia, Oct. 16, 1987.

34. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Multivariate data modelling in geochemistry: Interface with geostatistics. Guest lecture: ENIRICHERCHE, Milano, Oct. 14, 1987.

33. Esbensen, K.H. (1987): Chemometrics in Geochemistry. Plenary lecture: Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum. Barcelona, Nov. 9-11, 1987.

32. Esbensen, K.H., Geladi, P. & Wold, S. (1986): Relationships between data array configuration, problem formulation and conceptual models in data analysis. III CAC Meeting of the Chemometrics Society. Lerichi, Italy, May 25-30, 1986.

31. Esbensen, K.H., Geladi, P. & Wold, S. (1986): Bilinear analysis of multivariate image data (BAMID). Nordic Symposium on Applied Statistics, Cph. Jan. 27-29, 1986.

30. Esbensen, K.H. (1986): Bilineær Modellering (BLM). Seminar: “Bilineær Modellering”, Norwegian Computing Center (NR), Oslo, Feb. 10 & 14, 1986.

29. Esbensen, K.H. (1986): Multivariate data analysis in geochemical prospecting. Multi-variate Statistical Workshop for Geochemists and Geologists. Ulvik, June 2-5, 1986.

28. Esbensen, K.H. & Martens, H. (1986): Petrophysical parameter prediction from well-logs by PLS. Multivariate Statistical Workshop for Geochemists and Geologists. Ulvik, June 2-5, 1986.

27. Esbensen, K.H. (1986): Applications of chemometrics at the Norwegian Computing Center. Guest lecture: “First Meeting of the Finnish Chemometricians”. Lappeenranta, Oct. 25, 1986.

26. Esbensen, K.H. (1986): Geokjemi, Miljøkjemi og Kjemometri. University of Umeå: Temadager: Tillämpningar av Kemometri inom Kemisk Analys, Nov. 25-26, 1986.

25. Esbensen, K.H., Helgeland, J. & Mohn, E. (1985): Non-technical introduction to geological application of the PROBABILITY MAP package – Selecting geographical areas of high resource potential by supervised pattern recognition and geostatistics. Symposium on Applied Statistics, Jan. 28-30 1985, Copenhagen.

24. Esbensen, K.H. (1985): Interactive image analysis – A data analytical approach. Guest lecture: Laboratory of Chemometrics, University of Washington, Seattle, April 11, 1985.

23. Esbensen, K.H., Lindqvist, L., Lundholm, I. & Wold, S. (1985): Taking a close-up of the background – Multivariate data analysis in geochemical prospecting. 11.th International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, Toronto, April 18-21, 1985.

22. Esbensen, K.H. (1985): Anomalier og bakgrundspopulasjoner. Multivariat data analyse i geokjemisk prospekteringstjeneste. 3. Norske Statistikermøte, Godøysund, June 12-14, 1985.

21. Esbensen, K.H., Lundholm, I., Lindqvist, L. & Wold, S. (1985): Integrated exploration using multivariate modeling of geochemical and petrophysical data. Symposium: “Geochemistry and Data Analysis”, SGAB, Luleå, Oct. 15-16, 1985.

20. Esbensen, K.H. (1985): Multivariat databehandling – hvorfor, hvordan? Seminar. “Statistikk i analytisk kjemi”. Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE), Kjeller, 12.12 – 1985.

19. Esbensen, K.H., Wold, S. & Lindqvist, L. (1984): SIMCA-PLS: A microcomputer-based bilinear data analytical modelling software for general use in the geosciences. “1984 GEO-CHATAQUA: BIG PROGRAMS (on small machines)”. Morgantown, West Virginia, Oct. 4-5, 1984.

18. Esbensen, K.H., Johansson, E., Wold, S. & Drake, K.-M. (1983): Recognising polygenetic (geochemical) data patterens by multivariate soft bilinear modeling using selective Partial Least Squares (SELPLS). Symposium on Applied Statistics, University of Copenhagen, Jan. 26-28, 1983.

17. Esbensen, K.H. & Wold, S. (1983): SIMCA, MACUP, SELPLS, GDAM & UNFOLD: The way towards regionalised principal components analysis and subconstrained N-way decomposition. Symposium on Applied Statistics, Stavanger, June 12-14, 1983.

16. Esbensen, K.H. & Wold, S. (1982): Multivariate analytical chemical data evaluation using SIMCA and MACUP. “Scientific Symposum: Patteren Recognition in Analytical Chemistry”, Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 20-22, 1982.

15. Esbensen, K.H. (1982): Interpretative pattern recognition of trace element geochemistry. “Scientific Symposum: Patteren Recognition in Analytical Chemistry”, Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 20-22, 1982.

14. Esbensen, K.H. & Buchwald, V.F. (1981): Iron meteorite crystallisation mode – constraints on planet(oid) core frcationation. NATO ASI: “Early evolution of the planets and their atmospheres”. Newcastle upon Tyne, March 23- April 3rd, 1981.

13. Malvin, D.J., Wasson, J.T., Buchwald, V.F. & Esbensen, K.H. (1981): Compositional variantions among members of the IIIAB Cape York and IVA Gibeon showers. 44.th Meeting Metoritical Society, Tempe, AZ, Aug. 1981.

12. Esbensen, K.H. & Buchwald, V.F. (1981): Late crystallisation of the natural Fe-Ni-S-P system – Evidence from the Cape York troilite inclusions. 44.th Meeting Metoritical Society, Tempe, AZ, Aug. 1981.

11. Esbensen, K.H. (1980): Extreme fractional crystallisation in the basic Fongen-Hyllingen complex, Norway – A terrestrial analogue to the lunar magma ocean? Guest lecture: Inst. of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA, April 1981.

10. Esbensen, K.H. (1980): Plagioklas og olivin i Fongen-hyllingen komplekset, Trondheim-området: mineralkemiske udviklingstrends. XIV Nordiske Geologi Vintermøtet, Bergen, Jan. 7-10, 1980.

9. Esbensen, K.H. (1980): Multivariabel geokemisk statistisk analyse: geologisk processkarakterisering. XIV Nordiske Geologi Vintermøtet, Bergen, ibid.

8. Esbensen, K.H. (1980): Multivariabel statistisk programmel anvendt ved geologiske/ geokemiske undersøgelser: Omgåelse af et velkendt statistisk fænomen angående “lukkede tabeller”. Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, Kbh., DTH, Jan. 23-25, 1980.

7. Esbensen, K.H. & Høskuldsson, A.(1980): Detaljeret multivariabel analyse af den globale jernmeteorit population. Data med høj proportion af “missing values”. Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, København, DTH, Jan. 23-25, 1980.

6. Esbensen, K.H., Wasson, J.T., Malvin, D, J. & Buchwald, V.F. (1980): Detailed chemical investigations of sections through a large Cape York iron. 43 Meeting Meteoritical Society, San Diego, Aug. 1980.

5. Esbensen, K.H., Høskuldsson, A. & Wold, S. (1980): Multivariate systematics of iron meteorite physico-chemistry. 43. Meteoritical Society, San Diego, Aug. 1980.

4. Esbensen, K.H. (1980): Multivariate statistical analysis of the global iron meteorite population. Guest lecture: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Los Angeles, UCLA, May 1980.

3. Esbensen, K.H. & Buchwald, V.F. (1979): A new data-bank for iron meteorite data, situated in Scandinavia – Multivariate statistical analysis of the global iron meteorite population. 42.nd Annual Meeting, Metortitical Society, Heidelberg, Sept. 1979.

2. Esbensen, K.H. & Buchwald, V.F. (1979): A new data-bank for iron meteorite data, situated in Scandinavia – Multivariate statistical analysis of the global iron meteorite population. 27th. IUPAC Congress, Helsinki, Aug. 1979.

1. Esbensen, K.H. (1978): Geokemisk faktoranalyse av hovedlementfordelingen i Fongen-Hyllingen intrusionen, Norge. XIII Nordiske Geologi Vintermøde, København, Jan. 24-27, 1978.