Representative Sampling
Process Analytical Technology
Services for decision making, efficiency and sustainability:
Competence building
Public outreach
Services for decision making, efficiency and profitability:
– Consulting
– Competence building
– Public outreach
Representative Sampling
Process Analytical Technology
theory of sampling (tos)
consulting & outreach
KHE offers on-site audits and consulting combined with TOS training, according to individual client requests (in-person or remote).
KHE is an experienced speaker and lecturer offering presentations, courses and educational outreach:
- Theory and Practice of Representative Sampling (TOS)
- Process Analytical Technology
- Chemometrics
get in touch
KHE Consulting offers general and dedicated course activities at two levels: introductory and continuing education.
- The introductory course runs for two consecutive days, presenting an overview of the systematic framework of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) aimed at allowing participants to professionally identify sampling issues and problems, and having gained a first competence regarding how to resolve these.
- The continuing education course is KHE Consulting’s flagship activity, encompassing three days (in a 2d + 1d format). The continuing education course allows for a deeper learning experience, with a pause after the two first course days, meant for assimilating the course documentation in order to get the full learning experience. The concluding third day includes presentation of participants’ own sampling problems – to be solved in plenum. This format allows participants to take ownership of the sampling solutions discussed based on the acquired TOS competence over all three days.
Course documentation:
Both courses are based on of the 2020 textbook “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Sampling”.
Course format:
KHE Consulting standard courses are offered in both in-person as well as on-line formats.
KHE Consulting also offers dedicated course formats, developed together with clients’ specific wishes.
Interested in course activities, please contact:
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Sampling
This book presents the Theory of Sampling (TOS) for all readers and audiences starting from level zero. The TOS is presented in a novel didactic framework without excessive background mathematics and statistics that often scare newcomers away. The overall objective is to present a unifying conceptual framework within which all the TOS’ principles, unit operations and sampling error management rules can be understood in the easiest manner possible.
KHE Consulting offers optional versions of “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Sampling”, which can be acquired either in print format, or as an E-book. An additional service is also being offered to all purchasers of the book: the opportunity to interact directly on-line with the author via Skype, Teams or Zoom. Individual readers can access up to two hours of exclusive on-line interaction, in which to complete their understanding of the basics of the TOS.
Multivariate Data Analysis
This long-anticipated textbook is currently the most up-to-date resource on chemometrics and Multivariate Data Analysis (MVA). The field of chemometrics is the application of multivariate data analysis methodology to solve chemistry-based problems. It explains not only how to understand experimental outputs, but also to put this newfound knowledge into use for deeper scientific understanding or business gains.
SAMPLING BIN 2015-2020

A synopsis of some of KHEC’s major projects, jobs and engagements can be found here (pre-corona):
- WHY we need TOS?
- TOS above 1000 C
- Theory of Sampling – What’s Next? (WCS 8, keynote)
- GMO risk assessment – sampling needs and correct tools
- TOS in waste management and circular economy
- TOS vs MU
- TOS Forum 7 Minnitt and Esbensen on Pierre Gy
- DS 3077 – The world’s only dedicated sampling standard
- History of DS 3077
- Size – Density Class Modelling
Kim H. Esbensen is an internationally recognised expert and consultant in sampling, chemometrics and PAT (Process Analytical Technology). Through an extensive academic career he has conducted R&D across a wide range of application fields, primarily process industries (minerals, bio-fuel, recycling, environmental monitoring).
Esbensen has been responsible for a university educational program straddling 30+ years in chemometrics, PAT, TOS, instrumental analysis, Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA), process technology and Philosophy of Science and has subsequently developed a widely recognised continuing education concept today offered via KHE Consulting. His CV lists ~250 publications, ~400 lectures/presentations. He is a recipient of the Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal (2013), and the Russian Chemometrics Society Gold Medal (2012). 2024 he was awarded the International Pierre Gy Sampling Society’s (IPGSA) first Distinguished Service Award. In 2003 he inaugurated the biannual series of World Conferences on Sampling and Blending (WCSB), now in its edition. He is editor of the magazine “Sampling Science and Technology (SST)”, continuing the erstwhile TOS Forum and the educational “Sampling” column in Spectroscopy Europe/World.
- Adjunct professor, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
- Adjunct professor, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
- Assoc. Professor, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
- Guest professor (2017) ÉTS – École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal
- Guest professor (2018) Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
- Guest professor (2017) University College of SE Norway (HSN)